Office Business Location Alternatives

Are there office business location alternatives?  Of course there are, hundreds of them, ranging from work-from-home to working in a brand-new commercial mixed-used ten-story behemoth and everything in-between. What’s amazing, though, is most of those alternatives all look, and feel, the same. Is a business suite in your future? Would you be interested in an…


Apartments to Rent in Fort Worth

Apartments to rent can be boring, don’t you agree?  Seriously, have you been out looking lately?  YAWN!  They are all built the same.  They all have inexpensive insulation, thin walls, boring floorplans, and all the personality of an undertaker.  It is a frustrating lease apartment search for sure. What if there was an alternative? The…


Innovative 1 Bedroom Apartment for Rent

Innovative 1 bedroom apartment for rent sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? And yet there ARE some new innovations on the market now regarding construction, and they fit perfectly with the new movement towards “downsizing.” The latest shift in construction is in the shipping container movement, and it isn’t just in apartment buildings; it can…
